Village Fresh
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Village Fresh Coconut oil is made by cold pressing fresh coconut meat, called copra in a natural and unrefined way which can be used as an edible oil for cooking purpose or can be applied on hair and skin. Village Fresh Coconut Oil is completely pure, enriched with vitamins and considered to be a super food. The milk and oil from the coconut are pressed and then the oil is removed. Unlike refined oil, our coconut oil does not involve bleaching and deodorizing the oil and hence have a noticeable taste and aroma. This pure coconut oil has immense uses and is rich in antioxidants as it is made at low temperatures without using any harsh chemicals to refine it. There are over 1,500 studies which prove coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

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Village Fresh Coconut oil is made by cold pressing fresh coconut meat, called copra in a natural and unrefined way which can be used as an edible oil for cooking purpose or can be applied on hair and skin. Village Fresh Coconut Oil is completely pure, enriched with vitamins and considered to be a super food. The milk and oil from the coconut are pressed and then the oil is removed. Unlike refined oil, our coconut oil does not involve bleaching and deodorizing the oil and hence have a noticeable taste and aroma. This pure coconut oil has immense uses and is rich in antioxidants as it is made at low temperatures without using any harsh chemicals to refine it. There are over 1,500 studies which prove coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. 

Refined vs. Unrefined Coconut Oil

Taste and Aroma: Village Fresh coconut oil is completely unrefined and thus the sharp taste and high aroma of the coconut remains intact making it significantly different than the refined coconut oil.

Digestive properties: Village fresh coconut oil is pure in nature and easy to digest. It is easily processed by the liver and can be immediately converted to energy instead of being stored as fat.

Heating Temperature: Refined coconut oil is heated at a high-temperature of 400 degrees F. At this high temperature the majority of the goodness of the coconut oil is eliminated. Village Fresh coconut oil is heated at a temperature of 300-320 degrees F, thus preserving all the natural nutrients in it.

Dried and Fresh Coconuts: Village fresh coconut oil is made from fresh coconuts and is completely edible with amazing health benefits. Refined Coconut oil uses dried coconuts and is not rich in nutritional health value.

Distinctive taste: Due to the unrefined nature of this coconut oil, it is best suitable for cooking dishes that require a high taste of coconut in their recipe. Refined coconut oil has neutral taste thus not bringing many flavors to the dishes when cooked.


Improves Memory and Brain Function: Coconut oil contains MCFAs, a fatty acid that helps to improve the memory problems and improvement in recalling ability. Improves Energy and Endurance: Natural and Unrefined Coconut oil is easy to digest and produces a